Suspension of CAHSEE Diploma Requirement for Eligible Seniors in the Class of 2015

Aug. 28, 2015 -- Governor Jerry Brown will sign Senate Bill 725 this week.  By signing Bill 725, school districts will be able to award high school diplomas to all the students who did not take the CAHSEE due to the test being halted in 2015.
San Leandro Unified School District will be awarding diplomas to 22 to of our students who were affected by the suspension of the CAHSEE. SLUSD will enthusiastically be awarding 7 SLHS students, 14 Lincoln Alternative Education Center students, and 1 Lighthouse independent study student their diplomas as soon as the bill passes.
SLUSD appreciates the work of Senator Loni Hancock who authored the bill and fast tracked it through the Senate.  Because of this solution, our students' futures will not be affected by a decision that was beyond their control. This was a good decision for our students who were caught in this transitional year of the assessment.
SLUSD looks forward to celebrating the 22 students' accomplishment. For more information regarding the senate bill, please review the press release here.