Measure N School Improvement Bond

  • In 2016, SLUSD conducted a comprehensive facilities assessment that identified $300 million in critical upgrades and necessary improvements throughout the district.

    Measure N, the $198 million bond measure approved by voters on March 3, 2020, will fund essential renovation and new construction projects to upgrade SLUSD schools.

Major facility projects planned for Measure N:

    • Replace aging portables by constructing a new classroom building at SLHS
    • Constructing a new gymnasium at SLHS with training facilities, locker rooms, and classrooms
    • Renovating and modernizing aging classrooms and student support facilities
    • Repair deteriorating roofs, plumbing, sewer lines, and electrical systems
    • Repairing and modernizing older playgrounds and playfields
    • Replace aging portables with modular classrooms at middle schools
    • Construct additional classrooms at elementary sites to maintain class sizes
    • Install new intercom and bell system at all sites
    • Re-roof several school sites
    • Resurface blacktop areas
    • Redesign drop off areas to improve traffic flow and student safety
    • Remodel schools kitchens and install HVAC
    • Install new shade shelters and eating areas
    • Modernize district athletic fields
    • Update district network infrastructure

Modern Technology for Higher Student Achievement and Increased Safety

  • The measure will provide our students with continued access to modern technology by:

    • Acquiring, maintaining and upgrading computers and classroom technology
    • Upgrading technology infrastructure including wireless networks and network security
    • Maintaining and upgrading educational software
    • Improving security and fire alarms and monitoring systems 
    • Upgrading fire alarms and emergency communication systems


    Taxpayer Protections - The measure will impose tough taxpayer protections by: 

    • Funding technology with short-term bonds so taxpayers won’t be making payments for years into the future for obsolete equipment
    • Requiring annual audits and independent taxpayer oversight of the funds
    • Prohibiting funds from going to administrators' salaries, pensions or benefits
    • Mandating that funds be used locally


    Background Information

    • Measure J1 bond was for $104 million.  The J1 work has come in on time and budget. 
    • The state does not provide funds for capital expenditures without a local match.
    • $198 million over the next 20 years at an estimated rate of $45 per $100,000 in assessed valuation.
    • Current J1 bond is $36 per $100,000 in assessed valuation
    • A full, site-specific project projection with a Measure J1 bond project comparison is on the district’s website at
    • The difference between bond measures (55% voter approval necessary) and parcel taxes (66.7% voter approval necessary). Parcel taxes are for operating costs. Bonds are for facilities.