SLUSD Hosts Second Professional Learning Day of 2015-16 School Year

SAN LEANDRO, Calif., March 29, 2016 – For the second time this school year, the San Leandro Unified School District held a Professional Learning Day for all employees in the district.

The full-day, district-wide event was held on Friday, March 25 and encompassed 40 different training opportunities that included courses on Common Core, social emotional wellness, and STEAM topics, among others. To increase collaboration between district employees and to rely on internal expertise many of the course offerings were taught by district and school site subject matter experts.

The funds for both the October 2015 and March 2016 Professional Learning Days were built in to the 2015-16 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Additional training opportunities allocated for in the 2015-16 LCAP include district-wide English Language Development and English Language Arts training, a diverse array of after school trainings, and professional development opportunities regarding co-teaching for para educators and special education staff.

“We recognize that providing the right kind of training for our staff is crucial,” said Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services Dr. Rosanna Mucetti. “Building the capacity of our teachers and providing them ongoing learning opportunities is a strategic priority in our district. When we invest in our teachers, we are investing in our students.”

During lunch, district staff were able to visit with health and wellness providers including Delta Dental and Kaiser, and were offered free blood pressure screenings. “The same way offering training equips our staff to do their job most effectively, so does prioritizing their health and wellness,” said Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Dr. John Thompson.

Press Contact
Carla Spain, Public Information Officer 