District Meets All Adequate Yearly Progress Targets

SAN LEANDRO, Calif., January 15, 2016 – San Leandro Unified School District announced at the January Board of Education meeting earlier this week that the district met all 22 of the district-level Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) targets for the 2014-15 school year.

AYP targets are established by the U.S. Department of Education and measure annual academic performance goals. The 22 AYP targets for 2014-2015 fell into the following three components:

  • Participation in the assessments

  • School attendance

  • High school graduation rate

“We are proud to have met all AYP targets,” said SLUSD Assistant Director of Technology and Assessments Ruben Aurelio. “This is a big accomplishment for us and it took a great deal of collaboration and effort to ensure that all students had access to these online assessments.”

To view more details on the district’s AYP and overall targets and how the different target rates were calculated, click here. For more information on AYP targets in general and the 2015 Accountability Progress Reporting, visit the California Department of Education website section on Accountability.

Press Contact
Carla Spain, Public Information Officer 
510.667.6208, cspain@slusd.us