• Background
    On April 1, 2014, the SLUSD Board of Education approved the redesign of the district’s strategic intervention courses in English Language Arts and Mathematics at the secondary level.  The Mathematics and English Language Arts Companion Courses were redesigned to one semester courses now named, English Language Arts and Mathematics Labs. Some of the goals of the newly redesigned English Language Arts and Mathematics Labs include: 
    • Providing strategic support for students developing skills towards the Common Core State Standards
    • Allowing greater flexibility and opportunity for students to move out earlier, thus allowing greater access to elective courses
    • Having multiple data points that use real time data to inform entry and exit
    • Utilize real-time assessments, allowing students more flexibility to exit out and take electives
  • Action
    In order to create one of our multiple data points for English and Math Lab, we are requesting that the STAR Reading Assessment and the STAR Math Assessments (not CSTs, but rather Renaissance Learning’s “STAR” Assessment Tool) be given to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students by Friday May 30, 2014, in their respective classes.  These computer adaptive assessments will take less than one class period to administer (15-20 minutes actual testing time) on a Chromebook and do not require you to grade them.