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  • All workshops are offered for Session 1 and Session 2.

    Please select one workshop for Session 1 and another workshop for Session 2. 





    Positive Discipline and Developing Capable People

    Participants will discover how disciplining children can be done with dignity and respect. Recognize the differences between logical consequences and punishment, and how to TEACH children, not boss them. We will practice ways to redirect behaviors without struggle.


    Anita Waldron
    Retired SLUSD Teacher and Health Educator

    Joanna Garcia
    SLUSD Parent Facilitator

    Aeries & Parent Square 101

    Get connected with ParentSquare, our one-stop shop for school happenings, communication, organization, and engagement between home and the school community. Communicate directly with teachers and staff while receiving updates about your child's school.    

    Get connected with Aeries, Our parent portal, learn how to update, navigate & stay on top of your child' grades


    Jasmin Vega, Maria Ochoa, and Laura Ordonez
    SLUSD Parent Facilitators

    Parent Involvement: A Key Ingredient in Student Success

    Why is parent involvement important?  The earlier parents get involved in their children’s education and continue consistently throughout elementary, middle and high school, the more powerful the results.  

    When parents are involved and take an active role in their children’s education at home and in the community, they perform better in school and have a better chance at furthering their education. 


    Norma Alonso, Rebecca Jauregui, and Sara Lopes
    SLUSD Parent Facilitators

    Supporting your English Language Learner Student

    Navigating the educational world of English Language Learners can be overwhelming! As parents, our most important question is, “How can I support my children in their education as they are learning English?”  This workshop will provide you with the information you need to understand your English Learner student’s path in school and also resources and ideas to help support their continued language learning.


    Alane Castro
    SLUSD Instructional Coach

    Gloria Fernandez and Angelica Franco
    SLUSD Parent Facilitators

    Technology Safety, Digital Citizenship & Cyberbullying 

    This workshop will provide families with resources to evaluate the many types of media and technology that is consumed by students, will address the serious issue of cyberbullying, and talk about resources our district has in place to keep students safe and secure when using technology at school.  


    David Orona
    SLUSD Instructional Coach

    Alma Gutierrez
    SLUSD Parent Facilitators

    Restoring Resilience

    Participants will understand how adverse childhood experiences can affect health outcomes and the ability to learn. Connect how our personal responses to stress impact our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of our family and communities and explore strategies that promote individual and collective well being


    Lauren McCabe
    CORE Director

    College & Career: A Road to Success

    This workshop will provide families an overview of the steps needed to attend a community or four-year college.


    Jazmin Sarabia
    SLUSD Program Coordinator of College & Career

    Consuelo zuluaga
    SLUSD Program Coordinator