- San Leandro USD
- Rules
San Leandro Citywide Track and Field Meet
2019 Rules for Citywide Track and Field Festival
- The donation of $5/participant or $10 for multiple siblings. Each School is responsible for collecting the money and the money to helps fund the elementary physical education department.
- San Leandro City School: boys and girls grades 3-8 and a 50-meter dash for K-2.
- Students MUST have completed Participation Form to participate.
- There is no limit in participants per School for all grade levels.
- School appointed Coaches would be responsible collecting the Participation/sign-up form for each of they’re participating students and have it with them at the event.
- Participant running and field event limits - a limit of four (4) events per athlete including relays: example: 2 running and 2 field events.
- School entry limits for relays race – a limit to three (3) teams per school per grade level.
- All Races will be recorded according to grade/gender.
- Every race is a final, 1st, 2nd, 3rd ribbons will be given out.
- Participation ribbons will be given after each race/events.
- All RELAYS may be mixed gender or not, but team members must be all the same grade level. However, you may move a student/athlete up one grade.
- All relays are finals.
- Field Events are all finals: 1st practice throw and the 2nd throw is the real throw/jumps. Awards will be given to the top 3 finishers and participant in each field event.
- NO track spikes or cleats allowed on the field.
- NO starting blocks allowed.
- Runners are allowed a standing start, a three-point start, or a four-point start.
- The first false start is on the field.
- Uniforms are ok.
- The meet will be run on time.