San Leandro Unified Shows Significant Growth in CAASPP Report


CONTACT: Keziah Moss, Director of Community & Employee Engagement, (510) 667-6202,

San Leandro Unified Shows Significant Progress in CAASPP Summary Report

October 18, 2019


SAN LEANDRO, CA: The recent release of the California Assessment of Students Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Summary Report has highlighted some significant signs of positive progress for San Leandro Unified students. SLUSD showed the most improvement in math scores of all school districts in Alameda County, with an overall increase of 3.1% of students meeting or exceeding California state standards. English Language Arts (ELA) scores are also on the rise throughout the district, with an overall increase of 4%. "This growth is encouraging, and I commend our staff and students on this recognition," said SLUSD Superintendent Mike McLaughlin, "However, our scores are not yet where we want them to be, especially for our highest-need students. We will replicate what's working and add that to our analysis of all student success measures. As we build our next strategic action plan, improved academic performance will continue to be our primary focus."

SLUSD is closing out a three-year strategic action plan at the end of this school year, which included targeted initiatives on improving math and language arts performance. New standards-aligned math and ELA curriculum was adopted from kindergarten to 12th grade, along with focused professional development for school staff. The district has also refined a robust assessment system that includes formative, diagnostic, interim, summative, and performance-based assessment tools to inform teaching and respond to student needs. Dr. McLaughlin noted, "Our targeted initiatives are significant factors for our improvements in standardized testing. In this fifth year of CAASPP testing, we are starting to see positive patterns develop that we can continue to build on for this particular student success indicator. We look forward to the December release of the California School Dashboard to provide even more feedback for our next strategic plan."

The public now has access to the 2018-2019 CAASPP reports on the California Department of Education's webpage at the following website: The webpage displays the state, county, district, and school-level CAASPP reports for the Spring 2019 administration. 

The 2018–19 CAASPP summary reports include all results for the following: 

  • Smarter Balanced English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics summative assessments in grades three through eight and grade eleven
  • California Alternate Assessments (CAA) for ELA and mathematics in grades three through eight and grade eleven

The district will launch a local CAASPP dashboard with detailed findings at after the SLUSD School Board of Education meeting on November 5.

About the San Leandro Unified School District

The San Leandro Unified School District operates a comprehensive TK-12 program and an adult school at campuses throughout San Leandro. The district educates its students by utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and innovative teaching strategies to help students achieve academic excellence and become collaborative and competitive in a global society. For more information, visit