
    Hello and welcome to Our Homepage :)
    My current schedule for school year 2020-2021 is as follows:
    Period 1 -  AP US Gov/Polit (213) Year

    Period 2 -  Amer Gov H (213)/Amer Gov(213) Fall/Spring

    Period 3 -  AP Psych (213) Year

    Period 4 -  AP Psych (213) Year
    Period 5 - Prep 
    Period 6 -  Prep 




    Hello and Welcome!  This will be your home "page" for the next 18 weeks or if you are in AP Govt/Pschyology 36 weeks!  You are gonna work incredibly hard in our class but at the end of it you will come out of it all the more educated and challenged.  I hope you are ready and up to the task!  I am here always to facilitate and help you develop critical thinking skills regarding ALL of the learning that goes on in or out of our class!  Please recognize this and note that I am one of your number one advocate in helping you succeed.  Best of .... Ms. Sowers