• Hello and welcome to Sra. Castro's Homepage  2017-2018
    Bookmark this page; it is your one-stop connection to your Spanish 1 class
    PARENTS!!!:   Please check this website for projects and encourage your child to check out the links below.  ALSO, please encourage your child to leave electronic devices in backpack.  They really interfere with the learning process and create a disturbance in the class.  
    Room: 357, FTK
    E-mail: Ms. Castro
    Phone Ext: 2357
    My current schedule
    Period 1 - Spanish 3
    Period 2 - Spanish 3
    Period 4 - Spanish 3
    Period 5 - Spanish 2
    Period 6 - Spanish 2
    UPCOMING EVENTS:  check calendar to the right

    Check out my favorite websites!
    My absolute favorite!!! Your go to website for Spanish-language culture:  music, news, art, etc.
    Listening practice for Spanish
    Grammar practice
    Talking online dictionary for French and Spanish
    Interactive website to help you review
    Another very interesting Spanish website:
    Write a text in Spanish and send it to your e-mail, etc.:
    Want to hear all kinds of stories from all over the Spanish-speaking world?  In both Spanish and English?  I love this site!  It's kind of like This American Life on NPR:



    Welcome message here.