HERE is your Summer Assignment Due August 12th!! If you have any questions over the summer; feel free to email me vsowers@slu
  • Below are your worksheets for the Summer Assignment Due August 12th!! If you have any questions over the summer; feel free to email me

    Addiction Test

    Anger Test

    Stress Test

    Ok; these 3 tests; take them (either print and work on them; please add up and give final score at the end of each; or do them on binder paper; again w/ final score) Due 12th August.  Seperate from each other 75pts

    Vocab Words

    There are 51 vocab words.  Here is format:  

    1. Write vocab term on a 3x5 notecard and number the term 1-51
    2. Flip side:  a.)  Define term b.) Give us the signifigance of why it is an important term regarding Pschology
    3. Punch hole thru all of them; clip with circular 1" ring.  Write name on upper righthand corner of card #1
    4. Turn in August 12th; 102 pts

    Feminist Survey

    Take this survey yourself and then ask 4 OTHER (over 14 males/females/nonbinary) participatents to take the same survey.  Tell them you are doing it for your AP Pschology class please (always disclose why you do pscyhological surveys ;).  These will be handed in on Aug 12th as well.  I will give them back in a week or so and we will finish the project.  


    Any questions; please email me at over the summer.  I might not respond right away but I will get back to you eventually.  Be well.  See you in the fall.

    Ms Sowers