Announcement for Week #6 Health 9, Home Learning, April 27-May 1*


Announcement for Week #6 Health 9, Home Learning,

April 27-May 1

*All student work is now being graded Pass/Inc.

Dear Families, 4 topics below, please read all!

1. I have scheduled Zoom class meetings via Google Classroom for Monday and Tuesday this week  (and will for next week also) DURING the suggested schedule times we received from the District. (Mon: Per 1,3,5, Tues, Per 2,4,6). The meetings are designed to connect, review over the lesson for the week, and to give support and answer any questions about the week’s assignments (or past week). The meetings are 20-minutes each, 3 per hour, and allow a max. of 12 students per meeting for optimum connection with students. They must register in advance on a sign-in sheet- all on Google Classroom. I will provide the Zoom link on Monday, 15 minutes  before the meetings. Students do NOT need a Zoom account in order to attend. I hope you can "strongly encourage" your child to attend! If not, they can always e-mail me with questions, or call me on my computer-based phone (510) 606-4022, ext 2147) as I have been doing for a month now. ( Yes, a real "live" class and interaction is what I miss, so this is the replacement for now!

2. We are in the last week of Substance Abuse Prevention Unit. The topics have been: Teen Brain and Addiction, Tobacco, Vaping, Alcohol, and this week Cannabis, Prescription Drugs and Overdose (excellent video to watch for parents also!) and, I created an open family assignment from the “Natural High” website that you can do to engage with your teen on the topic of Substance use, so hopefully you can make a connection and have some open conversation on this important topic. “It takes a village”..and the research shows that teens who talk with their parents about substance use are more likely to resist drugs. Communication is key!

3. Quarter grades were submitted on Saturday. They were the usual grading scale A-F, and 4th Quarter is Pass/Incomplete. As I return assignments to students submitted via Google Classroom, their “grade” of Pass/Inc is in the comments section, since GC will not allow letters only #’s. Also, not that in Aeries, I enter a “0”( Zero) if they turned it in and received a “Pass”, and it is BLANK if not turned in, or an Incomplete. (Aeries also does not allow a letter entry in the case of a point-based grading system). 4th quarter grades will be averaged with 3rd quarter, so encourage your scholar to keep up on the work, and they can let me now if they need any extra time.

4. MOST IMPORTANT-BEST for LAST! We (both Health 9 teachers) have added a shortened, simplified version of the 3R's Sexual Health Program-in a Virtual Google Classroom format provided by Advocates for Youth for your review. Refer to the parent letter attached below for the details of how to access the curriculum, as well as specified, important guidelines to follow for students doing this unit virtually and at home. We will use this version of the 3R’s program to base our lessons on in the Sexual Health unit for the next 4 weeks.

*You may also still access the on-line 3R's Sexual Health High School Curriculum that we shared earlier in the year to the parents/guardians of all 9th grade Health classes. (The most recent notice for this was sent to you on March 9 via Parent Square, the week before school closed on March 13.)  The announcement stated the start date of the unit for March (which we delayed to May 4 due to the school closure and to await a virtual version), and provided you with access to review the materials. Here is the link again for the on-line 3R’s that we use when in the regular physical classroom setting, and is the framework for the Virtual Google Classroom 3R’s program we will be using : 3R’s: Rights Respect Responsibility by Advocates for Youth, High School version  3Rs Curriculum - Rights, Respect … 3Rs Curriculum - Rights, Respect …

Thank you for whatever support you can offer to your child(ren) as we move along in a virtual classroom world; it still feels surreal.I hope you are coping and getting support YOU need as a parent!

Now you can open the attached letter please for details! I pasted the letter below in the body of this notice in case you cannot open the PDF. You can also use the Spanish/Chinese translation tool at the end of this doc, or read the attached Chinese/Spanish PDF's*

To Health,

Ms. Kim Stanley


Attached letter:

Mike McLaughlin, Ed.D. , Superintendent , and Sonal Patel Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent



PARENT NOTIFICATION LETTER for moving Comprehensive Sexual Health Education to distance learning:

April 27, 2020

Dear San Leandro High School Parent / Guardian

NOTE: COVID-19 Distance Learning

Due to the circumstances of shelter in place during Spring 2020, comprehensive sexual health education will be delivered in a distance learning format. Our district will be using the 3R’s Curriculum we use in class in a modified, digital student version, and will not include the discussion and interactive activities we normally do in a class setting. The instruction will be delivered from Monday, May 4 through Friday, May 27. The Curricula is adapted for distance/virtual instruction from Advocates for Youth, who created the 3R’s program. We will use our Google Classroom platform we have been using since the school closure on March 13 to deliver the materials and have students submit their work. We will have a weekly scheduled Zoom check-in meeting or posted announcement with each class to review the learning goals for that week’s lessons. Due to this distance learning format, it is important for families to ensure that:

  • Students have headphones or earbuds, or a private space away from younger children to participate in these lessons.
  • Students do not record or distribute any of the instructional material.

Instructional materials are available for review by parents/guardians via a separate Google Classroom. If you are interested in material review, go to, and join with this code: g3zvmfa

The Google Classroom is titled For Parent Preview: 3R's Virtual High School Sex Education by Advocates for Youth.

Please email your Health and Safety teacher with any further questions: Ms. Stanley: Ms.Swaim:

California state law, the California Healthy Youth Act, requires that comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education be provided to students at least once in middle school or junior high school and once in high school, starting in grade 7. At San Leandro High School, we teach the sexual health unit in Health and Safety, grade 9.

Instruction must encourage students to communicate with parents, guardians or other trusted adults about human sexuality. Instruction must be medically accurate, age-appropriate and inclusive of all students. It must include the following:

  • Information about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including transmission, FDA approved methods to prevent HIV and STIs, and treatment
  • Information that abstinence is the only certain way to prevent unintended pregnancy and HIV and other STIs, and information about value of delaying sexual activity
  • Discussion about social views of HIV and AIDS
  • Information about accessing resources for sexual and reproductive health care
  • Information about pregnancy, including FDA approved prevention methods, pregnancy
    outcomes, prenatal care, and the newborn safe surrender law   
  • Information about sexual orientation and gender, including the harm of negative gender stereotypes
  • Information about healthy relationships and avoiding unhealthy behaviors and situations 

You may access a copy of the California Healthy Youth Act (California Education Code Sections 51930-51939) in PDF form here: CA Healthy Youth Act  This instruction will be provided by the San Leandro High School Health and Safety teachers. No outside guest speakers will be used at this time during the COVID Shelter In Place.

Parents can choose to opt their child out of instruction by State law. If you do not want your student to participate in comprehensive sexual health or HIV prevention education, they will be assigned an alternative, health related topic assignment each week to complete and submit via Google Classroom to their teacher..

Parents can email their opt-out request to the administration by May 3, 2020. We will begin the instruction on May 4, 2020.  Contact either Michelle Gonzalez de Jesus, Assistant Principal at:  or Dr. Reginald Richardson, Principal at: and they will inform us of your request.


Your SLHS Health and Safety Teachers,

Ms. Kim Stanley:

Ms. Stefani Swaim: 



 Parent Notification Letter High School for Moving Comprehensive Sexual Health Education to Distance Learning 2020.pdf