Week #4 ANNOUNCEMENT April 13-17, Graded Home Learning


Monday. April 13-April 17. All student work is now being GRADED. 

Dear Families,

Welcome to Week #4 of Home Learning. The Substance Abuse Prevention unit begins! We just finished Nutrition, in the past 3 weeks of optional, non-graded lessons. Thanks to all who did the work and submitted it via Google Classroom! And those that could not, no worries, you can still go back and just take a look at the slides and enjoy. I would like to ask you, parents, and students, to go the LAST lesson posted Friday April 10, which is my first, and for-fun Zoom video lesson on “How to Make a Green Smoothie!” Since we missed that lesson live! You can have it virtual! The assignment was to make green smoothies as a family! If you can! If not, to watch it anyway, and just make an effort to increase your uptake of those rainbow colored foods: fruits, vegetables for vitamins, minerals, and fiber, so you can support your immune health! (No, rainbow colors does NOT include Skittles or Fruit Loops, sorry!) 

Since official grading begins, make sure your scholar is staying on top of the program; see below.

I hope you are well, and adjusting to the “new normal” we have all taken on. I know for me I am an official  “ZOOMbie” from all the computer time. Alas, I am taking stretch breaks, short walks, doing lots of yoga and fitness classes on Zoom, and going to nature to breathe and re-charge and enjoy the 3-D world to balance some of that 2-D world!  (I am using the COVID-19 Safe requirements- mask, physical distance). I hope you can find some balance, and get out too! 

I have posted to the Learning Folder on the SLHS website, and will post assignments to Google Classroom weekly: this week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so students don’t get overwhelmed looking at all of the assignments at once! "Pace yourself!" Students need to go to their respective class period as they always have, and log in to their class with their district e-mail and Password in order to access the site and the lessons. I will be posting a weekly notice, and other pertinent announcements there daily, so use Google Classroom as your go-to for Health 9 Information. 

*All students, guardians/parents need to read my Google Classroom post for Mon. 4/13 for important updates on: Communication guidelines, New Grading Policy, and the ever-changing Technology world related to Home Learning (Post on 4/10 20, and updated 4/13). 

I (and all teachers) have a new Phone Contact # during COVID-19 Home Learning. It rings via my school computer, and both parents and students can leave me a Voice Message: 

Contact #: (510) 606-4022, ext. 2147.

We start Substance Abuse Prevention unit this week, for 4 weeks. So let’s GO! See you at https://classroom.google.com

I also post my weekly announcement (or important updates) to Parent Square:  https://www.parentsquare.com 

And the basic information of the unit and lessons is posted to the SLHS Home Learning Folder weekly: Home Learning Plans

To Health and Wellness,

And, a big WHOOOOOSH! (ask your child about that one!)

Ms. Stanley

Nourish Yourself

Go Green

I am Healthy!