Weekly Announcement: Week #5 April 20-24 Home Learning Plan


Week #5 Home Learning Plan,  Monday, April 20-April 24.

All student work is now being GRADED Pass/Inc. 

Dear Families,

I hope you are well as can be, and coping with the many challenges of this time. Lend a hand, ask for help, we are all in this together though our challenges vary, please, reach out! 

Along with details of previous announcements including Technology updates, accessing Google Classroom, the grading policy, and class information, the basic outline of the unit and lessons are posted to the SLHS Home Learning Folder below the announcements: Home Learning Plans

We are in Week #2 of the Substance Abuse Prevention unit this week, for 4 weeks total. Your scholar may go there at https://classroom.google.com

Assignments and information will be posted to Google Classroom starting Mon. 4/20 through 4/24. Students submit assignments via Classwork. Google Classroom is the “Go-to” for my class. All announcements are there! 

If your child is just starting to do work now, please go back to the previous posts and announcements so that you can get your scholar oriented to the plan, and, contact me via e-mail at:  kimstanley@slusd.us. Please put in the subject line: student First and Last name, Period, Topic so I can easily sort the requests.  Thank you!

I (and all teachers) have a new Phone Contact # during COVID-19 Home Learning.It rings via my school computer, and you or your scholar can leave a Voice Message: 

Contact #: (510) 606-4022, ext. 2147.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any support or questions!

To Health, 

Ms. Kim Stanley