• "The balance between the rigor of the course and room for creativity made this class one of my best so far. It exposed us to graphics and at the same time taught us how to think on our own and make decisions." —Hannah Breslin 2013
    "The process of laying out multiple ideas before initiating your project really changes my work habits. This class has taught me to think better, work more efficiently, and process my ideas more clearly.”
    —Mingway Cai S09
    “This class made me a thinker. Instead of just doing something, now I always plan it out; just how in this class we would do thumbnails before working...” —Ismael Olague 2013 

    “I've noticed changes in how I think and approach things concerning my everyday life. I brainstorm a lot now and never cancel out any idea. This class isn't easy because it will challenge you mentally.” —Matt Almonte 2010

    “She (Ms. Reinerio) began pushing me to do original, creative work, and I began to put a lot more effort and brainpower into my work. So instead of just turning in work I didn’t care about, I began being very satisfied with it, and even showed it to my friends and family. Graphic arts did not only teach me how to put together a creative, emotional piece of work, but it also taught me to take more pride in my work.” —David Marchetti S09
    “This class helped me improve problem solving and critical thinking skills and this greatly affected how I did in other classes, being more alert and aware of what the thinking process 'really is', breaking it down and pushing out every possibility no matter how crazy it might sound.” —Enrique Cabrera 2014

    “What I’ve learned in this class, I couldn’t have possibly learned anywhere else. It gives students a real taste of how a career could be, not necessarily in the arts, but how valid it is to be prompt, sufficient, patient, and dedicated.” —Rebecca Lee S09
    “Looking back at my experience in Graphics, I've come to realize that I learned a lot about professionalism. I can honestly say that after taking this class I am more career-ready. Even if your future plans are not art-based, everyone can learn from this class because it really prepares you for the work environment.” —Caressa Dalao 2014
    “I think it's safe to say that graphics with Ms. Reinerio was literally like a job but in a classroom setting. Not only did this class teach me how to manage my time better, it made me a much more responsible person.” —Rebhi Oweis 2014