• Ms. Brown
    Ms. Brown

    Hello and welcome to Ms Brown's Homepage
    Room: 102

    Ms Brown
    Phone Ext:2102

    Welcome to Art : This site is a work in progress! Here is where I will post assignments and a calendar for AP studio art, as well as examples of student work. There is a page for some of my work, too.
    ART IS, of course, FUN and it is especially fun when learned from classic methods, traditional standards and infused with 21st century ideas and technology.
    This class is aligned to State and National VAPA Standards because you deserve the best!!

    All classes are asked to bring in a lab donation for art supplies: $20.00 for Draw Paint 1 and $30. 00 for AP and Studio Art.
    Please look at the rules and policies page of this website, all school rules are in effect here. No  cell phones or other electronic
    equipment are to be visible or in use at any time, unless specifically used for art project. Tardies will affect participation points as well as your grade. Make up work is ON REQUEST and you should request it for every excused absence!
    Our art department is known statewide for outstanding success and you are about to become a part of it. Look for more posts soon.