Principal's Message

  • Dear John Muir Families and Community,

    Third quarter progress reports have been recently sent out to our families. As we inch closer to our final fourth quarter, I encourage you to continue monitoring your students' schoolwork. Keep in mind that when spring arrives,  middle school students become less engaged in their responsibilities at school. Stay vigilant in monitoring your child's schoolwork. Since our teachers at John Muir will maintain the same high expectations for students in their classwork and homework, students must continue to try their best. Eighth grade parents should remind their students that their academic performance will determine if they are eligible to participate in 8th grade activities at the end of the year.  

    In closing,  the John Muir staff and I  are excited about the gains we have achieved with your son/daughter this year and look forward to your child's continued growth. I am excited about closing the school year  with a positive and rewarding experience for everyone. 

    8th grade parents: It is time to plan for our  8th grade promotion dance. If you are interested in volunteering for an 8th grade promotion dance committee come  join us on Thursday April 2 from 6:30-7:30 in room S-1. uld remind their students that their academic performance during second semester determines if they are eligible to participate in 8th grade activities at the end of the year.

    We are all excited about a variety of upcoming school events and student activities this spring. Keep a lookout for these events and activities because we will need parent volunteers for support.

    I look forward to working together with you and your students and thank you for your continued support and efforts in making our schools mission a reality.


    Vernon L. Walton Jr, Ed.D
