The 39 Clues

The 39 Clues Book 1 Amy and Dan learn that their grandmother, a rich woman and a member of the powerful Cahill family, dies and leaves a peculiar will behind. Instead of giving her worldly possessions to her family, Grace Cahill offers her living relatives a choice: take a million dollars or follow a set of clues that will make the winners the most powerful and influential people in the world. Amy and Dan, despite what logic says they should do, decides to take up the challenge. So begins a race against time and their relatives to get the clues and win the contest.
This is not your everyday scavenger hunt. Clues are difficult to decipher and lead to other parts of the world. Amy and Dan's relatives are ruthless and willing to do anything to eliminate the competition. For Dan and Amy, the quest for the clues becomes a fight for their lives. They can't trust anyone--except their babysitter.
This is a great action-adventure book. The story moves quickly and you'll find yourself on the edge of your seat at every twist and turn. The first book is about Amy and Dan's progress to the second clue. This is a series, so each book will take Amy and Dan a little closer to the end of the quest. Will they be able to win the contest? You'll have to read the books to find out!