Click here for San Leandro Adult School's Class of 2020 Virtual Graduation

ESL Registration

  • Due the current coronavirus public health emergency, all ESL registration dates are canceled. Any dates previously announced have been canceled. When we are able to schedule new dates, they will be posted here.


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High School Diploma & GED Registration

  • Accessing or Returning to Apex or the Academy during the COVID-19 School Closure

    If you have been dropped from Apex and can no longer access your class, or you need your username and/or password, email and adviser at:

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  • GED en español ha sido cancelada hasta nuevo aviso. Vuelva a consultar aquí para ver posibles fechas futuras de registro.

    GED SPANISH HAS BEEN CANCELLED until further notice.  Please check back here for possible future registration dates.

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  • Due the current coronavirus public health emergency, all High School Diploma and GED registration dates are canceled. Any dates previously announced have been canceled. When we are able to schedule new dates, they will be posted here.

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What’s Happening

  • May 14, 2020 

    Dear SLUSD Community, 

    As you may be aware, Governor Newsom released the May Revision to the current California budget today. Alongside every school superintendent in Alameda County, and across California, we have been preparing to translate what a stark financial forecast means for our children. We know that California already ranks among the lowest in educational funding. With the budget reductions shared today, schools are being asked to accomplish an increasingly daunting task, but these numbers are an essential step in reopening our schools. 

    The school board and I, with support from district leadership, will drill down to determine what this budget means for San Leandro Unified. Through our contingency planning for next year, we already knew that the social distancing and safety criteria outlined for reopening schools would require substantial additional funding. Coupled with significant budget reductions, I can already tell you that the fall of 2020 will look very different than previous years.  

    We plan to host a school board workshop to discuss our proposals to reopen our schools and how this budget will affect those proposals. We will be asking for your input through a variety of formats as we move closer to finalizing our next steps. Our best collective thinking to create the right solution for our community will be critical in the coming weeks.

    In SLUSD, I have no doubt that the team we have in place are the right people to do this work. The fundamental question for us all continues to be how will we effectively support student learning and ensure everyone’s safety while staying aligned with the scientific facts regarding COVID-19. As we have since the closure began, we will keep you informed and involved through each step of the process.


    Dr. Mike McLaughlin

    SLUSD Superintendent

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  • SLUSD End of School Events Update 

    Dear SLUSD Community, 

    As I have shared in my previous messages, much uncertainty still remains about what school will be required to look like when we return. The suggestions Governor Newsom recently been put forth, including an earlier start to the school year, demand significantly more funding and resources than public schools are currently allocated. Changes to the school calendar would have to be carefully considered and approved by our key stakeholders, including our staff and our families. These suggestions become even more challenging when we have been told to prepare for possible reductions in funding due to the statewide financial impacts of the pandemic. Nevertheless, we continue to plan and prepare as much as we can. I look forward to sharing detailed answers for next year as soon as we are better able to determine what solution will best ensure safety and health in San Leandro Unified.

    In the meantime, we do have some answers about important end-of-year events. Since our closure began, finding ways to recognize our graduating class of 2020 has been a high priority for us. Commencement events are momentous milestones that honor the achievements of our children and the adults who love and support them. But given current public health mandates, coming together in person simply isn’t possible. As much as we would love to plan for a rescheduled date in the future, we have been given no clear indication of when that date could be.

    Despite those limitations, our school year is ending and we are planning to recognize our students in the best way we can. We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with a nationwide company that organizes high-quality virtual graduations and school promotions. These events will happen on the originally scheduled dates, with some significant preparation still required, so look for information from your school’s principal for details on how to participate. We are also providing lawn/window signs to our graduates’ families to show their pride for this very significant accomplishment. 

    Know that we do not see these virtual ceremonies as true replacements for traditional graduations or promotions. However, we do hope these events will provide a celebratory moment of closure to the school year. We will keep looking for ways to celebrate as a community when we are able to safely do so. 

    If any student still needs a computer or is still struggling to connect virtually, please reach out to your school site leaders for immediate assistance. SLUSD has distributed well over 4000 devices to date and will check out a device to any student who needs one. I hope you are safe, well, and staying connected to your schools. Everyone in SLUSD is here and available to support.


    Mike McLaughlin, Ed.D.

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📰 SLUSD Latest News

  • A Statement from the San Leandro Unified School District on Equity

    A Statement from the San Leandro Unified School District on Equity

    As our country confronts our legacy of racial oppression, the national dialogue is fueling an undeniable call to action for activism and advocacy. This pivotal moment in history demands that all public institutions, including SLUSD, carefully examine every practice and policy that contributes to systemic racism. It is no longer enough to be aware of the critical weaknesses and biases that perpetuate these racialized inequities, whether intentional or unintentional. Every member of our society has an active, urgent role to play in remedying these historic wrongs.

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  • A Statement from Dr. McLaughlin

    A Statement from Dr. McLaughlin

    As we embark on what is traditionally a celebratory week in San Leandro Unified, I know that our collective hearts are unimaginably heavy right now. I have to ask myself, how do we celebrate the close of this already difficult school year, when we are outraged at yet another tragically senseless killing of a black man at the hands of a white police officer?

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  • Message from Superintendent McLaughlin on California’s May Budget Revision

    Message from Superintendent McLaughlin on California’s May Budget Revision

    As you may be aware, Governor Newsom released the May Revision to the current California budget today. Alongside every school superintendent in Alameda County, and across California, we have been preparing to translate what a stark financial forecast means for our children. We know that California already ranks among the lowest in educational funding. With the budget reductions shared today, schools are being asked to accomplish an increasingly daunting task, but these numbers are an essential step in reopening our schools.

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  • SLUSD Announces Virtual Commencement Events

    SLUSD Announces Virtual Commencement Events

    With the end of the school year approaching quickly for San Leandro Unified schools, virtual commencement events are announced.

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  • SLUSD Closure Update - School Facilities Closed For the Remainder of the School Year

    SLUSD Closure Update - School Facilities Closed For the Remainder of the School Year

    From the onset of this public health crisis, we have pledged not to reopen our school buildings until it is safe to do so. Today, with that important reality in mind, Alameda County Superintendent of Schools, L. Karen Monroe stated that all K-12 schools in Alameda County will remain closed for in-person instruction for the rest of the 2019-20 school year to protect the health of our students, staff, and our entire community.

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  • SLUSD Closure Update 3.25.20 - School Facilities Closed Through May 1

    SLUSD Closure Update 3.25.20 - School Facilities Closed Through May 1

    As we have anticipated, the closure period for SLUSD schools has been extended through May 1 to continue critical steps necessary to protect our students and staff from the rapidly developing public health crisis confronting our community. This was a unified, regional decision by local public health agencies and county superintendents to extend school closures to slow the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to the maximum extent. Under this current order, SLUSD schools are projected to reopen on Monday, May 4.

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  • SLUSD Closure Update 3.18.20

    SLUSD Closure Update 3.18.20

    My staff and I continue to do our utmost to support our community through this difficult, distressing, and very uncertain time. Staying connected in any way possible is more important than ever as we are required to adapt our social structures to ensure everyone’s safety. Additionally, we are receiving guidance from state officials that indicates our closure period may be significantly longer than anticipated. As we learn more about what that could look like for SLUSD, we are planning to update you weekly. However, we are also committed to updating you more frequently as it will likely become necessary.

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  • All SLUSD Schools Closed from Monday, March 16 to April 3

    All SLUSD Schools Closed from Monday, March 16 to April 3

    After much deliberation with our neighboring school districts, and out of an abundance of concern for all members of our community, we have decided to take strong preventative action by closing all SLUSD schools to students beginning Monday, March 16 to April 3. In order to minimize disruption to student learning, Spring Break will be moved up to the week of March 30. School will resume on April 6. Please note this is a change from our current district calendar.

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Schedule of Classes

  • 2020 Winter and Spring Brochure


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