• Hello Room 31 Families-

    It was great to meet with so many of you last week during parent teacher conferences. Here are a few take aways I had from the week:
    1. READ, READ, READ- Although 4th & 5th graders know how to read and can read by themselves, their experience is so much more enriched when you read to them & with them, talk about their book, ask them questions and have them give you an opinion about a character or an event.
    2. Check In Everyday- Ask to see their Planners, ask about the day, find out something new we learned in class, check their backpacks & folders for important notes & flyer.
    3. Monitor & Limit Screen Time
    We've had a few more parents volunteer to get the necessary work done to drive on field trips. (Thanks to the families of Dael, Audrey, Sarah C. & Andrew) So it looks like we just might be able to make this happen on Wednesday, Oct. 24th. If you need fingerprinting, someone will be here at school this afternoon. There are still a couple appointment spots (between 4:30-6pm) open. Email me ASAP if you want me to sign you up.
    All students have chosen a book for the first book report. They need to be reading at home every night and then bring it to school everyday for silent reading time. They should be finished with the book this week. 
    Today, I went over the requirements for the report and I am attaching them here. Your student will most likely need support reading/understanding their book or managing their time, or help with the written parts or all of the above! For the next 3 weeks, this is a major part of the homework and supports the work we are doing in class. If you have questions, please ask.
    THE BIGGEST PTO EVENT OF THE YEAR IS SAT. OCT. 27th. The PTO is looking for all the support they can get. Ways to help:
    Attend a meeting (tonight & every night next week), volunteer to work our class booth (available times are 9:45-11, 10:45-12 and 12:45-2) and donate to our class raffle basket. Our theme is pets.
    As always, I appreciate your support. Together, we are a team. Please let me know you got this by sending a quick reply.
    Thanks so much!