• In general, this is our schedule on any given day.  There are variations/shifts in the schedule depending on when the children have Art, Music, PE, and Library (see below for when we have these classes).  
    8:10 - 8:20   Class gets settled into classroom/attendance
    8:20 - 9:30   Math
    9:30 - 10:05 Spelling
    9:50 - 10:05 Recess 
    10:05 -10:55 PE (on Mon, Fri); Art (on Thurs); ELA: Reading Comprehension, Writing, Skills Lesson/Practice (on Tues, Wed) 
    10:55-11:45 Music (on Tues); ELA: Reading Comprehension, Writing, Skills Lesson/Practice (on Mon, Wed-Fri)
    11:45-12:15 ELD (English Language Development)/Computer Time 
    12:15- 1:00  Lunch
    1:00- 1:30    Silent Reading/Small Group Reading with teacher
    1:30 - 2:10  Project Based Learning (which includes Social Studies or Science, and ELA)
    DISMISSAL @ 2:10 
    2:10 - 2:20   Afternoon Recess for Learning Academy Kids
    2:20 - 3:00  Learning Academy 
    PE (with Ms. Watkins): Monday and Friday morning
    Art (with Ms. Meersman): Thursday morning
    Library (with Miss Ocampo): Thursday afternoon
    Music (with Ms. Oey): Tuesday