If your child/children will be absent, please make sure you call the ATTENDANCE LINE within 48 HOURS of the absence.


    James Madison ATTENDANCE LINE: 510-895 - 7940

    • EXCUSED absences are illness or funeral (immediate family).  There will be no excuse for vacations or days out of town (unless you are gone for more than 5 days and COMPLETE an Independent Study Contract).
    • UNVERIFIED is if you do not excuse your child’s absence within 48 hours for their illness.   Please make sure you call the ATTENDANCE LINE.  We cannot change an unverified to excused after 48 hours.
    • TARDY is any time after the bell is considered tardy.   There are no excuses for tardies and they cannot be erased. (Medical and dental appointments are excused with a note from the doctor).  After 10 tardies you will receive a warning letter regarding your child’s attendance.
    • VERY LATE is 30 minutes or more.
    • TRUANT student is a student who has accumulated 3 or more Unverified/Unexcused absences OR 3 or more Very Late tardies.

    If you must take your child out of school for more than 5 days, you must stop in the office to complete an Independent Study Contract. This contract must be signed by the parent a minimum of one week prior to the start of the absences. All work must be completed and return to the teacher within one week of returning. If work is not completed than the absences will be marked “unexcused” and the student may be considered “Truant”.