
    The Power of Zero

    The best way for students to avoid stress and pass their classes is to not get behind in their daily classwork and homework assignments.  We provide student planners so they can write down their assignments and projects, check them off as they complete them, and check them off again when they turn them in.  When a student gets behind on assignment and project completion and submission, especially if it is in two or more subjects, two things happen.  First, they feel overly stressed and can come to a point where they feel overwhelmed, say to themselves "What's the use?" and, sometimes, give up on passing one or more classes altogether.  Second, they invoke the terrible Power of Zero on their class averages.
    Here is a scenario:  A student starts the new semester, turns in one assignment, a 100% "A," but fails to turn in the second assignment, resulting in a 0% "F."  The average for the two assignments is a 50% "F."  If the student had made an effort on the second assignment and earned, for example, a grade of 50% "F," the average for that assignment and the "A" assignment would be a 75% "C."  Therefore, as you can see, a missed assignment is twice as harmful to the overall class average as a low grade on an assignment.  By the way, if a student has just ONE 0% "F," it takes NINE 100% "As" to get back to a 90% "A-" average.
    It is almost always true that if a student keeps up with daily assignments and projects, comes to class prepared each day, and participates in classroom activities, even if that student does not do well on tests and quizzes, she or he will end up with a passing average.
    PARENTS/GUARDIANS:  If you have an account on the AERIES Parent Portal, you can check your child's grades as often as you wish.  If you do not yet have access, please call the John Muir Main Office, at 510-618-4400, to get the information you need to have before you try to set up your account.  https://www.sanleandro.k12.ca.us/Page/7926