• Paperwork is Cool.

    Hello, and welcome to my John Muir Middle School webpage.

    Name:  Mark D. Hamilton
    Email Address:  mhamilton@slusd.us
    Phone number:  510-618-4400 x3764
    Success is possible if Students' goals are reasonable and every attempt is made to take advantage of available resources.  The John Muir Middle School Counseling Department is dedicated to the personal, academic, career, and educational success of each and every Student on our campus.  The involvement of Parents/Guardians and other family members is essential to the process.  Students and their families should always feel welcome to ask questions and seek information about our school, personal issues, and future planning.
    E-mail is my preferred medium of communication.  I can do the research and get detailed information for an informed response in a more timely manner than I can by phone.  Parents/Guardians who require an appointment should e-mail or call ahead of time and Students should sign up in the Counseling Office to get an appointment.
    I look forward to working with my student clients this year and beyond.  My current caseload is over 500, serving students whose last names begin with A-Lopes.
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