- James Madison Elementary
- Reading
Quock, Lauren ~ 2nd Grade
For students to grow as readers, they need to read lots and lots of books that are just right for them. We use the Goldilocks Rule to pick just right books.
There are lots of different ways of levelling, or labelling, books (for example: Guided Reading Level (A-Z), Lexile, DRA, Grade Level Equivalent) so students can easily choose books at their just right level. In Room 4, we use the Fountas & Pinnell book levelling system. This is also sometimes referred to as Guided Reading Level.
The benchmark for the beginning of 2nd grade is Fountas & Pinnell Level K. By the middle of the year, students should be at Level L. By the end of the year, we want students to be reading independently at Level M.
Lists of books by reading level
Good Reads - Fountas & Pinnell Book Lists
Websites and apps to determine a book's reading level
(Hint: These websites and apps are helpful if you're looking at books in the library or at a book store and want to see what level they are.)
Scholastic Book Wizard website