• Project Activities for History

    The theme for your project should be from the following topics we have studied so far this year. We have studied: Early Humans, The Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Hammurabi’s Code, Ancient Hebrews, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Kush (By Jan. 2015). You may also do a project about the geography of the places we have studied. A few good resources are your textbook, the library, and the Internet.


    100 points – Due in class Jan. 6, 7, or 8, 2015 


    You may choose one of the following ideas to help you:

    •  Write a newspaper article about some event or time period in ancient history found in an imaginary newspaper of the time.
    • Prepare a skit. It should have multiple parts/roles and teach the audience about a time period we have studied.
    • Make a pamphlet with illustrations or other pictures (with captions) showing the main ideas from a chapter in the textbook.
    • Create a timeline showing important events that you have learned about. Add pictures for each event.
    • Write a song with lyrics based on topics from history (You must turn in the lyrics, performing the song would be good too).
    • Write a diary as if you were a young person living in one of the ancient times we have studied.
    • Prepare a television talk show for different people we have encountered in history. Write out the questions for each guest on the show and how they would answer the questions. Classmates can be chosen to perform the show for the class.
    • Make a diorama.
    • Make a mobile showing various events in ancient history. This must have written captions.
    • Make a poster of some time period in the ancient past.


    You may also create your own original project that is not on this list, but you should check with me before you begin. 


    You must turn in a project proposal by Dec. 12, 2014 (25 points)


    (* 5 points off for each day after 1/08/15 your project is late)