• 8th Grade History Curriculum (not in chronological order)

              -What brought the first Europeans to America         -Creating a Democracy

              -Native Americans/Relocation                                  -Slavery and its effects

              -British rule in America                                              -Civil War

              -Rebellion in America                                                -Reconstruction

              -Revolutionary War                                                    -Westward Expansion

              -The Constitution/Bill of Rights                        


              Geography and map skills will be accompany most historical unit.

     Tests and quizzes

              Tests and quizzes will be done regularly in order to monitor the understanding of the history units and geography concepts.


              This class will use a point system. Each assignment will be given a point value, percentage, and letter grade. All points will be added and a percentage given for quarter and semester grades.

     Late work

              Work that is turned in after an assignment has been collected is late. You may turn in three unexcused late assignments each quarter. The assignments will be marked down 20%. Unexcused late work must have a late pass attached. It will not be accepted otherwise. You will be given three late passes at the beginning of each quarter. If you lose the passes, they will not be replaced and you will be unable to turn in late work.

              If you have a good reason why you were unable to complete an assignment on time, please come see me before or after school so we can discuss the problem. Please see me as soon as possible. 


              Please see me before or after school upon returning from an absence. I will not explain an assignment or hand out any papers during class.

     Extra Credit

              Extra credit is rarely given. When it is, please take advantage of it.


              Required                                                                  Not required, but helpful

                       -70 pg. (or more) college ruled                            -colored pencils

                        spiral notebook (plastic cover preferred)        -miniature stapler

                       -pencils                                                                -pencil pouch


                       -student handbook                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Class Rules/Expectations

    1. Follow directions.

    2. Be on time and prepared

    3. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

    4. No teasing, bullying, or put-downs

    5. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum in class (water is O.K.)