• Dear Parents or Guardians and Students,


    Welcome to 6th Grade Science!  This year we will be exploring many aspects of Earth Science such as the scientific method, measurement, the earth’s resources, plate tectonics, heat, oceans, and ecology.  We will also focus on developing critical thinking skills, group cooperation skills, academic language and using complete sentences when speaking and writing.  I will provide varied class activities to create excellent learning opportunities for all students.  I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year!


    Please review the following information with your child to make sure they understand the class expectations, rules and policies. 


                Supplies: your child will need the following material to be prepared for this class.

    • Pencils
    • Two 8.5 X 11 spiral bound notebook with at least 70 pages.  These need to be for science only.  One is needed now, and the second one they will need in January.
    • A Science section in their three ring binder- to keep their homework in.
    • Optional: your child may enjoy having the follow extra supplies: color markers and pencils, a metric ruler (cm), scissors, highlighters, calculator, glue stick.
    • Everyday, your child needs to bring the following supplies to class: science notebook, science textbook (until we get a class textbook set), student planner, 3 ring binder and pens/pencils.



    • Students will be graded in the following three areas:

    homework: 20%, test & quizzes 20%, classwork (notebook): 60%

    • I will update ARIES (online grades) with grades approximately every two to three weeks.  The forms to access ARIES/Parent Portal are pink and were in the manila envelope with the JMMS and SLUSD in the Student Handbook.
    • Stamp Sheet: check that your child is getting homework credit (stamps) and doing well on their notebook.  Page three explains the stamp sheet in detail.
    • Grade Questions: If you or your child would like to discuss their grade with me, I am happy to meet with them and/or you at lunch or after school.



    • Students will have homework Monday through Thursday.  The amount will vary, but approximately ten to fifteen minutes of homework a day.
    • Student planners:  students should write down their homework every day in their “Student Planner.”  If there is no homework, students should write down “None.”
    • Late homework is accepted, and points will be deducted from the score.
    • To find out if your child did their homework and received credit, please look at their stamp sheet.  Page three of this letter has information about the stamp sheet.
    • To make up work, students should use the “Homework Binder.” It has a list of previous homework assignments and is located in the student center in D2.
    • Questions or Extra Help: If your child needs extra help or has questions about their grade, they can make an appointment with me or drop in for my weekly lunch tutoring on Mondays and TuesdaysI do not discuss grades during class time, since I need to focus all my attention on teaching. 


    Absent:  Students with excused absences will have an extended due date corresponding to the length of absence.  Students who are absent are responsible for collecting your missing homework and class work.  Remind your child to check the class “Homework Binder” or with another student for missing homework and class work.


    Tardy:  Our school wide rule is “Be in the room, in your seat with materials by the second bell.” 

    • If students have to go to their lockers for supplies, they will be marked tardy.
    • If students are in the classroom, but not in their seat- they will be marked tardy.


    Cheating:  If students are found cheating they will receive a zero for the assignment and their parents/guardians, and the vice principal may be notified.


    Rules: Students are expected to follow my class rules, the school rules and the Falcon Code of Conduct in my classroom.  These rules help keep all students safe, so please review them with your child. 


    My classroom rules are:


    *Follow instructions

    *No bullying, teasing or putdowns

    *Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself

    *Use furniture and equipment appropriately. 

    John Muir will not tolerate bullying of any kind, including cyberbullying. Our classroom, school wide, and district wide discipline policies will seriously address any form of bullying from students or adults.


    The School Wide Rules: Be in the room, in your seat with materials by the second bell.  No backpacks in classrooms.  No gum, food, or beverages in classrooms or hallways.  Cell phones and other electronic devices have to be stored in your locker during school hours.  Follow the dress code.

    Falcon Code of Conduct: *Be respectful *Be productive *Be safe *Be responsible *Be prepared


    Please contact me with any questions, concerns or comments. 


    Thank you!




                Ms. Skuce



    ·                     Please, keep this letter so you have the class requirements and my contact information.

    ·                     Please, sign and return the following form by 8/28/15. 



    My child, ___________________________________, and I have read and understand the class rules and policies for 6th grade science with Ms. Skuce.



    ____________________________________            _____________________

    Parent or Guardian                                                                  Date



    ____________________________________            _____________________

    Student                                                                                   Date





























    How you can help your child be successful in Science:

    • Check that they are writing their homework down every day in their “Student Planners.”  Every child is given one from our PTSO. 
    • Check their “Science Notebook.”  They should have daily entries.  It’s 60% of their grade!
    • Check your child stamp sheet to see their weekly grades for their notebook.
    • Ask to see your child’s stamp sheet to confirm that they completed and received credit for their homework. (See page 3 for more details)
    • Encourage your child to make up any missing assignments.
    • Review and support their SMART goals, written each quarter in their science notebooks.
    • Remind them to come to class prepared every day: pencil, science notebook, homework, stamp sheet, and textbook (until we get a class set).
    • Check their grades online.  I will update grades online every 2 - 3 weeks. 
    • Please encourage your child to talk to me about their grade if they feel there is an error.  They can drop in at lunch on Monday or Tuesday or make an appointment.  Remind them I cannot discuss their grades in class, since I’ll be focused on teaching.
    • Please contact me if your child needs extra help, has a problem or you are concerned about your child at school.