Flyer Distribution Approval Process

  • Flyers distributed in San Leandro Unified School District (SLUSD) must adhere to BP/AR 1325 - Advertising and Promotion.

    • The flyer must be from a non-profit organization
    • Disclaimer must be printed on flyer indicating “this is not a school district sponsored activity”

    Once the above requirements have been met, please submit the flyer and a copy of non profit status to the Superintendent’s Office for approval.

    Please adhere to the following guidelines:

    • Approved copy must be on top of all flyer bundles distributed to schools
      • it indicates to school sites that requestor has met protocol for school site distribution
      • School count for distribution is available upon request
    • We do not copy or distribute flyers for organizations to school sites; it is the organization’s responsibility to provide copies
    • Do not deliver bundles to school sites. Bundles are to be delivered to the school district’s mail room: Location is 1145 Aladdin Ave.; flyers can be delivered daily until 1pm for next day delivery to school sites
    • Email to


  • Please contact Michelle Mayfield at (510) 667-3522