April Eagle Eye


James Monroe Elementary School

3750 Monterey Blvd, San Leandro, CA  94578

Office: (510) 618-4340, Attendance: (510) 618-4341, Food Services: (510) 618-4342


Jeannette McNeil, Principal


“Our community is inclusive, engaged, and collaborative; providing a safe, equitable, and rigorous learning environment, promoting resiliency and success for all.”


April Eagle Eye Newsletter

Monday, March 31                            NO SCHOOL, Staff Development Day

Wednesday, April 2                             SLED – Eat Out for Education

                                                         Spring Pictures

Thursday, April 3                                 Papa Murphy Fundraising Day

                                                         School Site Council Meeting 4pm in the Library

Friday, April 4                                     Spirit Day - Wear your Monroe T-shirts or school colors

                                                          5th Grade Parent Meeting  5:00 pm– Help plan year end activities  

Monday, April 7                                   PTO Meeting  6:00 pm. Carnival Planning Meeting

Tuesday, April 8                                  Community Forum  6:00-7:30

Thursday, April 10                            OPEN HOUSE 6:00 – 7:30 Hot Dog Dinner or Nachos Sale

                                                         EARLY RELEASE DAY

                                                         Spring Fundraiser begins – World’s Finest Chocolate

April 14-18                                        NO SCHOOL – Spring Break

Monday April 21                                 Community Forum 6:00 – 7:30  (Mrs. McNeil and Monroe teachers plan to attend)

Thursday, April 24                              Community Forum 6:00 – 7:30

Saturday, May 3                                 San Leandro Citywide Track Meet

Every Wednesday is Early Dismissal: TK & Kindergarten: 8:10am-11:40am & 1st-5th: 8:10am-1:50

Greetings James Monroe Community,

April is a busy time of year at Monroe as we are finishing up with our SBAC State Field Test (3rd-5th grade.) Don’t forget to attend our Fifth Grade End of Year Activity planning meeting from 5-6pm and the PTO/Dad’s Club Carnival and Car Show planning meeting from 6-7pm on April 7th. OPEN HOUSE IS APRIL 10TH FROM 6-7:30PM. Spring Break is April 14th-18th!

We are also getting ready for some major events in the month of May.

Mark your calendars: May 9th will be our Latino Community Schoolwide Celebration! We will celebrate Mother’s Day, and Cinco De Mayo, while at the same time recognizing the students who received Latino Achievement Awards and those students reclassified as fluent in English! As always, this celebration is for the entire Monroe community, and we hope everyone can come celebrate with us! You will be hearing more about this in the near future!

May 17th is our Carnival and Car Show Extravaganza! The excitement is building and we expect this year’s event to be bigger and better than ever! With the car show added we have been getting so much interest and enthusiasm! This will be an event not to be missed! We will need lots of volunteers, so please mark your calendar and join us! Every volunteer on the day of the event will get a free lunch and a free “Monroe Volunteer” T-shirt. We hope to see you there!

We encourage the Monroe community to attend the April 21st LCAP Community Forum at the Arts Education Center on the SLHS campus from 6-7:30pm to give input into the District Plan. Ms. McNeil and Monroe teachers will be attending that session. However, you are welcome to attend any of the three sessions planned. Check the flyer, our Monroe website, or the District website for additional information!

Please also take the opportunity to take the LCAP Survey on the District Website at www.slusd.us. This is another important way to provide feedback for our district leaders! It is important that the Monroe Community give input to the District Plan. When you take the survey, your student earns a pencil!

Additionally, stay up to date on all that is going on at Monroe by visiting our website at www.slusd.us/monroe! Check it often, as it changes with the most up to date pictures and information almost daily! In the month of March we had over 450 hits to our website! Stay up to date and stay informed!

                                                                                                                                            Jeannette McNeil, Principal




REGISTRATION PACKETS for the 2014-15 school year are available in the school office.. Your child must be 5 years old on or before:

·         September 1, 2014 to be eligible for Kindergarten in the 2014-15 school year

·         Must be 5 years old between September 2-December 2, 2014 to be eligible for

Transitional Kindergarten in the 2014-15 school year.

LOST AND FOUND  Once again we have a large number of shirts, jackets and sweaters in our Lost and Found. Please check to see if something belongs to your child before it is donated to Charity during Spring Break


ALL 5th GRADE PARENTS must complete a new Residence Verification Form. The residency verification process will be held on April 23 at both John Muir and Bancroft from 4:00-7:00 pm. Flyers have been sent home with the information.



Yearbooks can be purchased for $25.00.  You can pick up yearbook order forms in the office.



Student council wants to thank everyone who brought in money for March Your Pennies for Relay for Life. Everyone had a wonderful time at Pajama Day. Our April activity will be sport’s clothes on Friday, April 25th.

                                                                              Submitted by Kayla Hidalgo, Student Council Vice President


With your help, PTO can help raise money for Monroe students!

*Monroe T-Shirts – Order forms are in the office and online.

*Sign up for E-Scrip, Safeway/PakN Save/Macy’s accounts to E-Script (escrip group ID 5264931) Forms are available in front of the office.

*Bring Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup Labels, Bring Old Cell Phones

Stay informed about school events and meetings. Visit www.gojamesmonroe.org or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gojamesmonroe


San Leandro Education Foundation (SLED), Eat out for Education every 1st Wednesday of every month, www.sledfund.org

TO DOWNLOAD COUPONS:http://www.sledfund.org/eatout_coupon.pdf



Drop off your 4/3/14 Papa Murphy’s receipt in the school office to enter the drawing for a FREE Papa Murphy’s pizza. Submission Deadline:    Wednesday 4/9/14