January 2014 Eagle Eye


James Monroe Elementary School

3750 Monterey Blvd, San Leandro, CA  94578

Office: (510) 618-4340, Attendance: (510) 618-4341, Food Services: (510) 618-4342


Jeannette McNeil, Principal


“Our community is inclusive, engaged, and collaborative; providing a safe, equitable, and rigorous learning environment, promoting resiliency and success for all.”


January Eagle Eye Newsletter



Friday, December 20th          Special Early Dismissal

Dec. 23rd-Jan. 3rd                 Winter Recess Break - NO SCHOOL

Monday, January 6th                PTO Meeting, Library 6pm

Wednesday, January 1st           (SLED), Eat out for Education every 1st Wednesday of every Month

Thursday, January 2nd Papa Murphy’s Fundraiser, 11am-8pm

Friday, January 9th                   Spirit Day (Wear your Monroe T-shirts and Sweatshirts)

Wed., January15th & 29th             School Store, 1:50pm

Friday, January 17th                  Teacher Planning Day, NO SCHOOL

Monday, January 20th               Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, NO SCHOOL

January 27th-January 31st          Early Dismissal – Due toReading Assessment

                                                NO INTERVENTION OR READING ACADEMY

Every Wednesday is Early Dismissal: TK & Kindergarten: 8:10am-11:40am & 1st-5th: 8:10am-1:50pm



Greetings James Monroe Community,


Thank you to everyone who came out to support our school for the Winter Community Celebration! It was definitely a community event, and it was great to see so many families out supporting our kids! Our kids really feel special when families take the time to prioritize their school performances and put the focus on them even with such busy schedules! Thanks to Ms. Kitty Jowe for her musical direction, and for all the teachers and staff who helped out in the weeks prior to the event and the evening of the event. We can’t do this type of event without all that support and commitment!  Thank you to PTO, Dad’s Club, and ELAC for helping with the cookies and warm drinks! And thanks PTO and Dad’s Club for the amazing surprise at the end!! If you were not able to attend this year, don’t miss it next year. This is an annual event!


Thank you all for being active members of our Monroe Community. Whether you volunteer in classrooms or other areas of the school, stop by to talk with staff members in the morning or afternoon, attend school meetings and other events, work with your children after school on homework or other activities, or simply support your students to do their best each day, we appreciate all your efforts. We are partners with families as we work to provide a caring and supportive environment that is also academically rigorous for your children each day! We work to honor each child for their gifts, and allow their unique and sparkling personalities to shine through. Thank you for being part of our community!



                                             Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!  

Nurse’s Notes:             Your child will enjoy school and be better able to learn if s/he is well. It is important that children avoid unnecessary exposure to the many viruses that abound during the year. If your child becomes seriously ill, runs a high fever or you are concerned, please contact your doctor. Please keep your child home from school if s/he has one of the following symptons:

       A runny nose when the mucus is thick or colored

       Severe congestion that interferes with breathing, or if wheezing

       A rash

       Fever of 100 degrees or more

Also, please keep them home for 24 hours after s/he has recovered from any of the following conditions:

       Vomiting or diarrhea

       Elevated temperature (child should be fever free without needing fever reducing medications for 24 hours)

       Other obvious illness


Student Council News


Student Council hopes you had a fun and relaxing Winter Break.  Thanks to a matching grant, we collected $457.15 for Typhoon Relief.  Thank you for your donations!  Our January School Store dates are Wednesday, January 15th, and Wednesday, January 29th, at 1:50 P.M., in the front of the school.  The January activity is "Warm Hat Day" on Thursday, January 16th.  Be sure to wear your fun knit hats and warm caps on the 16th. 

                                                                                                                  Submitted by Kayla Hidalgo


Cold Weather Wear

It appears that cold, rainy days will be with us for some time.  Please send your child to school with clothing that will keep them warm and dry.  Unless it is raining outside, students will be going out to play during recess breaks.  With this cold weather children need to wear jackets or sweaters outside.  Please check to make sure all items are marked with your child’s first and last name in case they should get left outside.  Remember we still have Monroe Sweatshirts for sale.  See the office if you would like to order one.

Please take a moment to mark your child’s name and room number on back packs, jackets and lunch containers.


Yard Duty Supervisors Needed

James Monroe School is in need of paid yard duty supervisors to supervise students in the lunchroom and on the playground from 11:15am-12:45pm daily.  Yard supervision is a great way to help the school, stay in contact with your child(ren) and get paid at the same time! You will be required to have finger prints and a current TB immunization. Please contact the school office at (510) 618-4340 if you are interested.


With your help, PTO can help raise money for Monroe students!

*Dad’s Club/PTO Pancake breakfast earned $1,150 for the school.  Thank you to everyone who came out to make this such      a success and support our Monroe Eagles!

Monroe T-Shirts – Order forms are in the office and online.

*Sign up for E-Scrip, Safeway/Pak`N Save/Macy’s accounts to E-Script (escrip group ID 5264931) Forms are available in front of the office.

*Bring Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup Labels, Bring Old Cell Phones

Stay informed about school events and meetings. Visit www.gojamesmonroe.org or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gojamesmonroe


San Leandro Education Foundation (SLED), Eat out for Education every 1st Wednesday of every month, www.sledfund.org

TO DOWNLOAD COUPONS:http://www.sledfund.org/eatout_coupon.pdf