Class Syllabus -English



510- 618-4380  Hernandez x3692


Grading is based on dressing, daily participation, attendance, being on time to class, assignments, class work or homework, assessments, sportsmanship, and citizenship/behavior.  Each teacher has his/her own grading policy that will be explained and handed out to the class.  Grades will be determined by the percentage from points earned and total points.  Students have the opportunity to make up EXCUSED ABSENCES through teacher-assigned make-up work.  Students are responsible for checking with their teacher for make-up work.  Students should ask for make-up work immediately after they have returned to the class from the absence.



*Students must properly wear the Bancroft PE uniform ($10 shirt, $10 shorts) and/or the Bancroft sweats ($20 hooded top, $15 bottoms) in any combination. CASH ONLY PLEASE!

*Students may wear their own sweats (grey, red, or blue) as long as the Bancroft shirt and shorts are worn underneath.

*Point deductions will be given if jeans or pants are worn underneath sweats

*Students must wear athletic shoes. No hi-heals, open-toed, or dress shoes

*Jewelry, watches, hoop earrings, etc. must be removed before class

*Hats and sunscreen can be worn for sun protection when outdoors

*A maximum of two PE clothes loaners can be checked out per quarter

*PE clothes should be washed on a regular basis.

*Other than your name on the name plates, no writing on the uniform is allowed. No sagging of shorts.



*Dress for class in uniform as stated above.

*Students are expected to participate with an adequate effort in each and every activity. This includes roll call, the daily warm-ups and run, the day’s main activity/game, and any assignments, quizzes, or assessments.

*Students are expected to follow the rules of each activity and show proper sportsmanship.

*Disruptive or distracting behaviors are prohibited during teacher instruction and demonstration.

*No personal belongings (backpacks, phones, balls, etc) are allowed in class.

*Provide a parent’s note in order to modify or restrict student’s activity or ability to dress. Retroactive notes are accepted. A parent note expires after three days. Anything requiring modification beyond three days typically requires a doctor’s note.



*Each student will be assigned his/her own mini-locker, based on their PE period

*The large/tall locker can be used only during the PE period since it will be used by the following class

*Let a PE teacher know if another person’s lock has been left on your PE locker

*Each student must purchase a PE department lock ($5) from the PE department as they have a control key for teachers. CASH ONLY PLEASE!

*Each student must keep his/her own combination and locker private

*When changing, each student must keep an eye on his/her lock and belongings at all times

*Sharing of lockers is not allowed. Using a locker not assigned to you is not allowed.

*All items must be locked up at all times. Do not leave anything unlocked, ever!! You are responsible for your items. Items will be lost, stolen, or vandalized if they are not locked securely.

*If you loose your lock, contact a PE teacher to discuss how to store your items until the lock is replaced.


*Dispose of food and drinks before entering the locker room

*Walk quietly and orderly into locker room. Pushing, yelling, screaming, throwing, pounding, slamming doors, and horseplay are prohibited.

*Dress and report to your meeting location within 5 minutes

*Lock all of your belongings. Double check to make sure your locker is secure and locked



*All students report to their numbers after dressing. No loitering in the G-wing, hallways, or courtyards.

*Do not touch or handle a teachers cart or any equipment (cones, balls, etc) unless instructed to do so.

*Students cannot enter the gym until a teacher is present and permits students to enter.

*When in the gym, students are not allowed on the stage at anytime.

*Students are to stay away from the portables (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4) at all times.

*When transitioning past another PE class that is receiving instruction, or when traveling through the hallways to the gym or cafeteria, students must be as quiet as possible. We should not and cannot disturb other classes.

*Students may not go to the bathroom or get water without their teacher’s permission. Passes are needed to use the restroom.



*The school wide 3 level discipline policy is adhered to: Level 1=official verbal warning, Level 2=five minute time out, and Level 3=time in the “buddy” room.

*A referral to the office will be given if behavior does not improve after a trip to the buddy room.

*The discipline steps start anew at the beginning of each day unless a student reaches the “Rule of Three.”

*The “Rule of Three” refers to continual entries (3 separate days) into the discipline log without achieving at least 3 consecutive days between entries.

*Students placed on the rule of three do not start anew each day. They start at the level attained for the latest entry. Three consecutive days without a discipline entry removes a student from the rule of three.

*Other consequences may include: deduction of points, phone call home, parent/teacher conference, teacher or school detentions, trash/cleaning duty, sentence writing, “think about it” worksheets, and/or citations/referrals.

*For cases of equipment abuse or vandalism, full restitution by the student to the PE department will be expected.

*Automatic referrals are given for those who leave class without permission or who during second dress leave the locker room area before being dismissed by the teacher or the bell. Examples include leaving early for lunch, break, or just to get a head start to the next class. Non-dressed students must still report to the locker room and adhere to the same rules as dressing students.



*Locks, shoes, clothes, PE clothes, books, keys, back packs, etc. are frequently found and turned into the PE office. Do not hesitate to check with any of the PE teachers if you are missing personal belongings.



*Uniforms and locks are sold throughout the year in the locker rooms. At the beginning of the year, for the first 1.5 weeks, these items are sold during class (as lockers are being assigned) and after school. If these times do not work, special arrangements can be made by contacting any PE teacher. New items are priced as stated above. Used items are also available at discounted prices. Inquire at the locker rooms or by contacting a PE teacher if you have any questions. CASH ONLY PLEASE!